《Synergic Team Building》課程大綱
Day 1
Introductions, learning objectives and agenda
What is a High Performance Team?
The essential components
What distinguishes a high powered team
What are dynfunctional teams
Reasons for dynfunctional teams
Stages of team development
Problems identification
Identifying Key Strengths Within the Team
Different role preferences
Identifying your role preferences
Creating a balance of roles and aptitudes
Learning new roles - seeing things differently
Moving out of your comfort zone
Implications for change
Encouraging innovation
Synergic High Performance Teams (SHPTTM)
Steps toward SHPTTM
Case studies
Experiencing SHPTTM
Cycle I: Synergic Team Envisioning
Forming smaller teams
SHPTTM Processes:
Discerning own vision for your team
Communicating own vision with others
Identifying differences among different visions
Leveraging differences to develop a syenergic vision for your team
Team presentations
Reflection and Summary
Day 2
Cycel II: Synergic Planning
Identifying planning topics
Forming smaller teams
SHPTTM Processes:
Discerning own perspective
Communicating own perspective with others
Identifying differences among different plans
Leveraging differences to develop a syenergic plan
Team presentations
Achieving synergy across different teams
Reflections on the process and learnings
Motivating the Team
The link between delegation and motivation
When and when not to employ power to gain influence and credibility
Target the right individual with the right task - setting goals
Team targets
Providing recognition and feedback
Dealing with difficult people
Simulations, Interactive excercises
Leadership Styles
Differentiating between management and leadership
Your role as leader
What are the leadership styles?
What is your natural style and how can it be developed?
Leading by example
Personal Development
Reflection on major learnings
Formulating an action plan
《Synergic Team Building》課程目的
1. Develop awareness of and ability to use differences for positive outcomes by going through interactive processes
2. Learn about a powerful synergic methods helping build high performance teams
3. Increase ability to communicate with each other in team players
4. Improve verbal communication skills in team settings
5. Understand different team roles
6. Build individual high performance within the team
《Synergic Team Building》適合對象
For managers in global businesses who want to transform their team into a motivated, synergic team that consistently arrives at successful outcomes.
《Synergic Team Building》所屬分類