【Training Background|培訓背景】
The conflict and dispute arising out of or in connection with the violation of discipline are the difficulties in employee relationship management. Improper violation handling will cause double compensation and recovery of labor relationship or even cause mass strike and shutdown, which will not only bring huge economic loss to the company but also greatly challenge the company's managerial authority, thus paving the way for the disaster in subsequent management. On the other hand, the loyalty of Chinese employees decreases generally and employees' "antagonistic" violations increase constantly and the violations are also showing the new characteristics of "diversification, complication and extremalization". For instance, the spouse intervention in the interest conflict, commercial bribery, extreme rights protection, sexual harassment, misuse of electronic resources and other new violations bring new challenges to the company's personnel management and evidence fixing. How to conduct typological thinking on the employees' violation and how to make investigation and obtain evidence and avoid risk of losing lawsuit become the common concerns of the enterprises.
On Feb. 4, 2015, the Supreme Court formally released the Interpretation on Application of "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", in which it is clearly specified that the information that is formed or stored in the electronic medium such as online chatting record, blog, microblog, phone message, electronic signature and domain name can be deemed as the evidences for civil cases. What is the influence of the judicial explanation on the investigation and evidence acquisition of violations? How to effectively fix the electronic evidences? How to avoid evidence risk?
In accordance with the new judicial explanation and violation investigation procedure specified in Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China issued by the Supreme Court, the employees' violation has two trends in 2015: extremalization and concealment. When facing the malevolent violations and conflicts, the employees always take other violent behaviors instead of legal measures, which will cause larger loss to the company. How can the company cope with the situation?
【Training Content|培訓內(nèi)容】
Preface: definition of violation and non-violation
I. Evidence Practice under the Background of New Judicial Explanation of Civil Procedure Law
(一)證據(jù)類型(I) Type of evidence
7類法定證據(jù)類型Seven types of legal evidences
數(shù)據(jù)電文證據(jù)(郵件、短信、網(wǎng)頁、微信等)新規(guī)則New rules for data and electronic evidences (e-mail, short message, webpage and Wechat)
涉外證據(jù)的取證規(guī)則Rules for obtaining the foreign evidences
合規(guī)訪談記錄、調(diào)查報告的證據(jù)歸類Classification of evidences of legal interview records and investigation reports
(二)證據(jù)屬性(II) Attribute of evidence
真實性:電子考勤記錄如何確認其真實性Authenticity: how to confirm the authenticity of electronic attendance record
合法性:未經(jīng)對方同意的錄音、錄像是否有效Legality: whether the voice recording and video recording not approved by the concerned parties are valid or not
未經(jīng)在職員工同意進入員工郵箱獲得郵件是否合法Without the consent of the current employees, is it legal to log in the employees' e-mail boxes to obtain the e-mails?
關聯(lián)性:證人證言、客戶投訴信對于違紀行為的證明力Correlation: Probative force of the witness testimony and client's complaint letter on the violations.
(III) Burden of proof
"誰主張誰舉證"在違紀案件中的運用Application of "burden of proof borne by claimant" in the illegal cases
"舉證責任倒置"在違紀案件中的運用Application of "reversion of burden of proof" in the illegal cases
新民訴法司法解釋對"舉證期限"新規(guī)定New provisions on the "time limit for adducing evidence" in the new judicial explanation on Civil Procedure Law
(IV) Standard of proof
"排除一切合理懷疑" "Beyond all reasonable doubt"
"高度蓋然性" "High degree of probability"
"優(yōu)勢證據(jù)規(guī)則" "Preponderance of evidence"
"孤證"與"證據(jù)鏈" "Single evidence" and "chain of evidence"
II. Case Analysis of Investigation and Evidence Collection of Ten Typical Violations
(I) Professional observance
商業(yè)賄賂Commercial bribery
性騷擾Sexual harassment
(II) Attendance violation
曠工、曠職Absenteeism and absence from duty without leave
虛報工時、加班、代打卡False declaration of working hours, overtime work and punching card on behalf of others
(III) Business violation
越權行為Act in excess of authority
非法侵占Illegal encroachment
(IV) Breach of good faith
虛假陳述False statement
騙取信任Trust cheating
(V) Breach of instructions
消極怠工 Demotivation
拒絕崗位調(diào)整Refusal of position adjustment
拒絕公司搬遷Refusal of company relocation
(VI) Breach of confidence
泄露商業(yè)秘密Leak commercial secret
泄露秘密信息Leak confidential information
違反保密規(guī)定Breach of confidentiality provision
(VII) Loss caused by infringement
損害員工利益Damage employees' benefit
損害公司利益Damage company's benefit
(VIII) Conflict of interest
擅自兼職Do part-time job without authorization
在職競業(yè)On-job competition
飛單交易Betrayal-oriented transaction
(IX) Dangerous behavior
打架斗毆Fighting and brawling
毀壞財物Damage of properties
(X) Extreme rights protection
罷工停工Strike and shutdown
擅自報警Call the police without permission
群發(fā)郵件Send mass email
擅闖堵門Authorized entry and blockage of door
滯留辦公Retention for official handling
跳樓群訪Jumping and group interview
媒體披露Disclosure to media
III. Case Analysis-Four Elements for Handling "Illegal Cases"
(II) Clear handling basis
法律依據(jù)的引用Quotation of legal basis
法律依據(jù)與事實依據(jù)相結合的"表述""Statement" combining the legal basis and factual basis
Differentiation between serious violation of discipline and gross negligence & incompetence
(II) Clear handling basis
規(guī)章制度的配適性分析Analysis of applicability of rules and systems
民主程序的證據(jù)要求(是否必須成立職代會或召開全體員工大會)Analysis of validity of the rules and systems
公示程序的證據(jù)要求(局域網(wǎng)公示是否具有法律效力?)Evidential re-quirement of democratic process (whether the workers' congress or overall staff congress shall be held or not)
Judgment of clause on system ambiguity
(三)充分的事實依據(jù)違紀行為發(fā)生的證據(jù)(如何通過錄音、訪談、郵件分析等獲得證據(jù))(III) Full factual basis
Evidence of occurrence of violations (how to obtain the evidence via recording, interview and e-mail analysis)
違紀行為處理的證據(jù)(作出違紀處理的證據(jù)固定)Evidence of investigation of violations (precautions for initiation of investigation on violation)
(IV) Complete procedure basis
避免重復處理Avoid repeated handling
避免超過處理"時效"Avoid exceeding the "deadline" for handling
避免違反既定流程Avoid violating the existing procedures
給予申辯的注意事項Precautions for giving defence
送達處理決定Deliver handling decision
通知工會及再次通知工Inform the labor un-ion and inform the labor un-ion again
IV.Coordination and Handling of Dispute on Illegal Cases.
(I) Judge response to dispute on illegal dismissal
如何快速推進違紀員工的協(xié)商談判How to rapidly promote the negotiation between employees violating the discipline
How to cope with the application for arbitration for recovery of labor relationship
(II) Precautions for handling of violations of special group
三期、病假、工傷職工注意事項Precautions for employees under "three periods", having a sick leave and occupational injury
高級管理人員違紀處理注意事項Precautions of violation handling by senior managers
勞務派遣、委派人員的注意事項Precautions for labor dispatching and personnel delegation
Precautions for handling of foreign employees and employees from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
Gary Hong 洪桂彬律師: